Clients that come see me tend to have one or two credit cards that they are current on. These credit cards are typically low balance cards just for an emergency. The client will usually ask me if they can keep these low balance credit cards after filing for bankruptcy in Florida, and unfortunately the answer to that question is NO. Debtors will not be allowed to keep any credit cards they have, whether they are current, in default, or have been written off.
If you are worried about not having a credit card after filing for bankruptcy for an emergency use then it may be beneficial for you to get a secured credit card. Otherwise you will be able to obtain credit card offers approximately three months after your bankruptcy case is over.
If you are thinking of filing for bankruptcy in the greater Miami-Fort Lauderdale area and would like to speak with a local bankruptcy attorney then please contact Ofer Shmucher at Shmucher Law, PL by calling 305.741.5553 or 954.309.5559. We offer free consultations in our Miami office or any of our satellite offices (by appointment) including Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Plantation, and Sunrise Florida.