The decision to file for bankruptcy is a difficult one to make. Most people have limited knowledge of the bankruptcy laws or the process. Here are a few questions to ask your bankruptcy attorney before you hire them:
Will You Be My Attorney the Whole Process?
The filing of a bankruptcy is a complex and stressful system. Clients routinely have numerous questions about the process and how to proceed, so they look to their bankruptcy attorney for assistance. At many large firms in Fort Lauderdale Florida you will not be dealing with the same attorney every time, and in some instances you will only deal with a paralegal.
At Shmucher Law, PL you will only be dealing with attorney Ofer Shmucher from start to finish. He will be there to answer your questions and will go to court with you through.
Do You Provide a Written Retainer?
It is important for your attorney to provide you with a written retainer explaining all the fees and costs associated with your case. These fees should be spelled out so the client knows what other expenses they may incur. If your attorney fails to provide you with a written retainer then you will have no idea what other fees they may charge you or what was included with the fee that you paid the attorney?
Does Your Fee Include the Filing Fee?
Attorneys like to advertise a certain fee for bankruptcy but that fee may be a bit confusing as sometimes the fee doesn’t include the bankruptcy filing fee (typically between $270-$306). Make sure to ask if the fee that you are being quoted includes the filing fee.
What Percentage of Your Practice is Devoted to Bankruptcy law?
It’s no secret that a lot of attorney are now “bankruptcy attorneys” because their other legal field has slowed down. Make sure to ask your attorney how much of their work is bankruptcy law you will be surprised by their answer.
At Shmucher Law, PL the majority of our work is dedicated to debt negotiation and bankruptcy law.
Can I Call or Email You with Questions?
As a debtor you will likely have questions regarding the bankruptcy process, documents you get in the mail from the bankruptcy court, or just basic legal questions that you want an answer for. Ask your attorney how easily available they are to answer your questions. I’ve seen so many of my clients fed up with their other attorneys because they failed to respond to any communication requests by the client. At Shmucher Law, PL our clients come first and we will respond to your calls or emails within a reasonable matter of time.
If you are thinking of filing for bankruptcy please contact your Fort Lauderdale Bankruptcy Lawyer at 954-309-5559 or 305-741-5553 in Miami-Dade County and setup your free consultation to determine if bankruptcy is an option for you.