Sued By Midland Funding in Broward or Miami-Dade County?
Midland Funding files hundreds of lawsuits throughout Florida every month. Midland, like other debt buyers, buys old debt directly from original creditors or from another debt buyer and because they are buying debt portfolios in bundles, it allows them to purchase them for pennies on the dollar.
What to Do if You Were Served a Summons from Midland Funding?
If you have been sued by Midland Funding please DON’T IGNORE the lawsuit. Midland is hoping that you ignore the lawsuit so they can obtain a default judgment against you and then attempt to garnish your wages or your bank account to recover money. If you have been sued you should immediately call our firm to schedule a free phone consultation to see how we can assist.
Defend a Midland Funding Lawsuit
Based our experience with debt buyers, such as Midland, they tend to not have all their paperwork together. This may assist us in getting your case dismissed or giving us some leverage in obtaining a lower settlement on your behalf. We have handled numerous Midland Funding case and these are the common defenses available against their lawsuit:
- Can they prove they own the debt?
- Has this debt already been settled?
- Has the Statute of Limitation has Expired?
- Was the debt discharged in a bankruptcy?
- Are they suing the wrong party?
How Can A Miami Debt Settlement Attorney Help Me?
Shmucher Law, PL has represented numerous debtors against Midland Funding. Our Debt Settlement Attorney will be able to file responsive pleadings on your behalf, attend mediation if necessary, and attempt to amicably resolve this matter by settling the debt and allowing the debtor to make monthly payments (if possible).
Shmucher Law, PL can assist debtors in Broward or Miami-Dade County defend and/or settle their lawsuit with Midland Funding . We typically offer a flat-fee payment arrangement and we don’t collect our fee until a settlement agreement has been executed. Feel free to contact us at any time to schedule a free consultation either over the phone or in person.