by Ofer Shmucher | Sep 16, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Florida Law, Uncategorized
If a creditor has filed a lawsuit against you and obtained a judgment then they can attempt to collect on the debt by doing a number of things including, wage garnishments, freezing bank accounts, or levying property. I was recently asked by a client if it is too... by Ofer Shmucher | Jun 16, 2011 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Uncategorized
If you have a judgment against you then one of the remedies your creditors can seek is to wage garnish you up to 25 (twenty five) percent every paycheck until the amount of the judgment plus interest and fees is paid back. If a wage garnishment order is granted... by Ofer Shmucher | Feb 9, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Florida Law, Uncategorized
If you are filing for bankruptcy in Florida then you must fill out a bankruptcy petition. Usually if you hire an attorney he or she will fill it out based on your answers to their questions, or in other cases the attorney will give you a packet to fill out and return... by Ofer Shmucher | Nov 18, 2010 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Uncategorized
My clients often tell me that they are scared to go before a judge. The good news is that most consumer/debtor’s who file for bankruptcy in Florida will likely never have to go before or see a judge at all. Chapter 7 – If you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in South...