by Ofer Shmucher | Sep 7, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Uncategorized, US Bankruptcy Law
Some people are ashamed that they have filed for bankruptcy and want to keep it private, and so they ask me if there is anything they can do to keep their bankruptcy filing private. Unfortunately the filing of a bankruptcy is a public filing and is a matter of public... by Ofer Shmucher | Aug 17, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Client Bankruptcy Cases, Florida Law, Uncategorized
Clients always ask me the following question “Can I go max out my credit cards and then come back and file for bankruptcy?” The answer to that question is NO and it could lead to severe consequences including having the credit card companies sue you while you are in... by Ofer Shmucher | Aug 15, 2011 | Client Bankruptcy Cases, Florida Law, Uncategorized
Clients that come see me tend to have one or two credit cards that they are current on. These credit cards are typically low balance cards just for an emergency. The client will usually ask me if they can keep these low balance credit cards after filing for... by Ofer Shmucher | Apr 16, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Florida Law, Uncategorized
If you haven’t paid your credit cards or any other debts for approximately nine months then your credit card company or whatever creditor you have will charge off your debt. What charge off means is somewhat misleading . When a creditor charges off debt they are... by Ofer Shmucher | Mar 24, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Florida Law, Uncategorized
Clients come see me on a regular basis and I tend to ask them a lot of questions regarding their assets, debts, and regular income. Every once in a while I come across a client that I would consider to be borderline, and by that I mean they have either the option to...