by Ofer Shmucher | Sep 24, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Florida Law, Uncategorized, US Bankruptcy Law
I have been meeting with numerous clients who have told me what “other attorneys” have told them regarding their vehicles and if they will lose them when they file for bankruptcy. The answer to this question really depends on whether there is equity in your vehicle... by Ofer Shmucher | Sep 21, 2011 | Bankruptcy Process, Uncategorized
If you have already met a bankruptcy attorney or are planning on meeting one you can expect the attorney to use the word equity multiple times during your consultation. Unfortunately most bankruptcy lawyers assume that you already know what the term means and how it... by Ofer Shmucher | Jul 13, 2011 | Bankruptcy Process, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Florida Law, Uncategorized
People often do research on bankruptcy online, and some of the information they find out is entirely incorrect. One of my favorites is when a client tells me that they read online that the bankruptcy court will NOT take your car away if it is your only mode of... by Ofer Shmucher | Jun 30, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Uncategorized
When you file for bankruptcy you need to list all of your debts and all of your assets. Your debts will include mortgages, car notes, credit cards, medical bills, etc. A question that I routinely get is whether or not a debtor can include debt from a repossessed car... by Ofer Shmucher | Jun 17, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Client Bankruptcy Cases, Uncategorized
I tend to meet clients who have visited other bankruptcy attorneys so I typically ask them what they thought of the previous attorney. I was shocked to learn what some of my clients told me. So here is a compiled list of things to be on the lookout out for when...