by Ofer Shmucher | Jul 13, 2011 | Bankruptcy Process, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Florida Law, Uncategorized
People often do research on bankruptcy online, and some of the information they find out is entirely incorrect. One of my favorites is when a client tells me that they read online that the bankruptcy court will NOT take your car away if it is your only mode of... by Ofer Shmucher | Apr 30, 2011 | Client Bankruptcy Cases, Florida Law, Uncategorized
I see many clients who have attempted to stay afloat by taking out loans against their 401k retirement plans. Basically the clients have X saved in a work retirement plan and they have borrowed against it, usually to receive a lump sum payment, and then the client is... by Ofer Shmucher | Apr 16, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Florida Law, Uncategorized
If you haven’t paid your credit cards or any other debts for approximately nine months then your credit card company or whatever creditor you have will charge off your debt. What charge off means is somewhat misleading . When a creditor charges off debt they are... by Ofer Shmucher | Jan 16, 2011 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Uncategorized
In order to file for bankruptcy in south Florida you must fill out a bankruptcy petition where you list all of your assets and all of your debts. Your assets can include vehicles, bank accounts, jewelry, furniture or any other personal possessions. Your health... by Ofer Shmucher | Oct 27, 2010 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Florida Law, Uncategorized
A question I hear all the time, from potential clients, is will I lose the money I have in a 401k or an IRA account if I have to file for bankruptcy in Florida? The answer is NO. Florida has created numerous laws called exemptions which allow the debtor to exempt ,...