by Ofer Shmucher | Oct 3, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Client Bankruptcy Cases, Florida Law, Uncategorized
When people have personal injury lawsuits they tend to take quite some time before they actually receive any money. During that time period where the personal injury lawsuit is pending a person may consider filing for bankruptcy. A question I receive from potential... by Ofer Shmucher | Sep 24, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Florida Law, Uncategorized, US Bankruptcy Law
I have been meeting with numerous clients who have told me what “other attorneys” have told them regarding their vehicles and if they will lose them when they file for bankruptcy. The answer to this question really depends on whether there is equity in your vehicle... by Ofer Shmucher | Sep 1, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Florida Law, Uncategorized
If you are thinking of filing for bankruptcy in Florida and you own real estate then you will need to know the value of the real estate to determine what, if any, equity you have in your properties. The easiest way to determine the value of your home is to look at... by Ofer Shmucher | Jun 30, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Bankruptcy Process, Uncategorized
When you file for bankruptcy you need to list all of your debts and all of your assets. Your debts will include mortgages, car notes, credit cards, medical bills, etc. A question that I routinely get is whether or not a debtor can include debt from a repossessed car... by Ofer Shmucher | Apr 27, 2011 | Ask the Bankruptcy Attorney, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Client Bankruptcy Cases, Uncategorized
Shmucher Law, PL is a Florida bankruptcy law firm that handles individual and business bankruptcies. For immediate assistance or to schedule a free consultation please contact our office at 305-741-5553 or 954-309-5559. Over the last few months I have met numerous...